The Role of OFSHEEA

As a non-profit organization focused on serving the members of our teaching community, the role of OFSHEEA is to facilitate the professional development and personal growth of educators to promote quality Family Studies programs in Ontario.


  • To encourage continual professional growth in its members and solidarity with others of like professional interests.
  • To encourage active co-operation among Family Studies-Home Economics Educators at all levels-elementary, secondary and post-secondary.
  • To unite all groups and persons interested in Family Studies-Home Economics.
  • To maintain a high standard of professional ethics.
  • To offer conferences and workshops at the provincial and regional levels.

Membership Classes

General membership varies by cost depending on your teaching status.  General membership in the Association is open to an individual who:

1. Is actively engaged in the teaching, supervision, or administration of Family Studies-Home Economics Education.


2. Maintains an interest in the advancement of Family Studies-Home Economics Education.

A member who has rendered exceptional service to the field of Family Studies-Home Economics and/or the Association may, by the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, be granted an honourary membership in the Association for life.

  • Honourary membership may be granted for a term of one year by the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors; to a non-member who has rendered valuable service to the field of Family Studies-Home Economics Education.
  • Any person desiring membership in the Association shall complete an application form provided by the Association and shall submit same to the Membership Chairperson.

Rights of Members

  • Only members in good standing shall be entitled:
    1. to vote at meetings of the Association.
    2. to be appointed as members of committees of the Association.
  • Honourary Members shall not have voting privileges or be eligible for any elective or appointive offices.