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New Job Post - OFSHEEA Administrator

The OFSHEEA administrator plays an important role in making sure that our Board of Directors and committees run smoothly! This is a paid position open to both members and non-members of OFSHEEA. Administrative experience is definitely an asset for the position, but full training will be provided to the successful applicant.

Please review the document linked below for a complete job posting and instructions on how to apply. You are welcome to share the posting with anyone in your network who might be interested.

There are lots of ways to get involved with OFSHEEA!

Keep an eye out or join our mailing list in order to find out about job opportunities to work on our writing projects, or other ways you can volunteer to join committees or contribute to special projects.

Another way of getting involved is by joining our board of directors. Contact us ( to find out about open positions or upcoming elections!

New Job Post - Food and Culture Writing Project

OFSHEEA is seeking four secondary Family Studies teachers to collaborate on curriculum map and unit plans for the Food and Culture course – HFC3M/3E. The goal is to develop an inclusive and culturally respectful and responsive model for this course so that students can develop a deep and critical understanding of the interconnection of food and culture.

Please download the job description for details of the job description, desired qualifications, and remuneration.

New Job Post - Research and Inquiry Skills Project Writer

OFSHEEA is seeking four secondary Family Studies teachers to work collaboratively to create a teacher resource that supports the instruction of Research and Inquiry Skills (the A strand) in Family Studies courses. The resource will provide teachers with a framework and classroom-ready resources to incorporate the teaching of research and inquiry to meet the varied needs of
students in our 21st century classrooms.

Please download the job description for details of the job description, desired qualifications, and remuneration.

Join the OFSHEEA Board of Directors!

Joining the OFSHEEA board of directors is a great way to meet other educators who share your passion for Family Studies, to build a sense of community in your subject area, and to have a say in the direction of this excellent organization! Whether you’re a long-standing member or a brand new one, being a part of the board is a great way to enrich your experience with OFSHEEA.

Elections for board positions happen at our AGM each year, but we are also open year round to filling vacant positions on the board. You can see current board positions and vacancies on our Board of Directors page.

If you want more information about joining our board, you can always send us an email.

New Job Post - Research and Inquiry Skills Project Writer

OFSHEEA is seeking four secondary Family Studies teachers to work collaboratively to create a teacher resource that supports the instruction of Research and Inquiry Skills (the A strand) in Family Studies courses. The resource will provide teachers with a framework and classroom-ready resources to incorporate the teaching of research and inquiry to meet the varied needs of
students in our 21st century classrooms.

Please download the job description for details of the job description, desired qualifications, and remuneration.