As you know, a new course was created, HNB4M, The World of Fashion, and was released in a hard rollout in September 2013.
The following assignment has been adapted from the Ontario Educational Resource Bank. The assignment was catered to the HNB4O course which is now outdated. However, I’ve updated the resource by adding an assessment to fashion pre-construction and construction skills. This will need to be modified for an in-class as this resource is for an online class. Please see below for the adapted resource. The members-only resource will be a rubric tried to this assignment. This assignment assesses A1, A2, A3, A4, D1,D2, D3
Unit 4: The Making of Fashion
Activity 1: Material Vision: The Creation of Fashion Fabrics
Assignment 1: Understanding Fashion Fabrics
In this activity, you learned about different fibres, yarns, fabric construction methods, and fabric finishing and dyeing techniques used in the world of fashion. In this assignment, you are going to further enhance your knowledge by conducting specific research that relates to a fibre family, fabric finishing, and dyeing, printing, and embellishing techniques. As well, you will assist your classmates in the creation of a fabric glossary which will be a wonderful reference tool for your course summative task. You will also create “how to video” demonstrating how your knowledge of how to handle that fabric, safely and effectively. Please make sure that you peruse all of Unit 4 to see some examples of “how-to” videos (side note: these videos can be accessed on Youtube). Please see previous content page (Safety in Fashion) (this is below) for some links to me demonstrating some pre-construction fabric planning.
Fibre Family and Fabric Finishing
For this assignment you will complete the following:
Select a term from the Fabric Glossary
Select a topic from the list that interests you.
Conduct an Internet search. You may wish to begin your research by using the Resources noted below. Thoroughly record the information requested on the worksheet.
Reference your sources using APA.
Submit your findings to your teacher.
Share your findings with your classmates through the discussion board.
Ensure that you have all the information requested as you will need this information for Assignment 2.
Upload your “how-to” video to your e-Portfolio (be sure to share it with me) and to the dropbox
Step 2: Select a topic
Select a term from the glossary that interests you.
Step 3: Research Your Topic
Conduct an Internet search for each of your selected topics. You may wish to begin your research by using the Resources noted below. Thoroughly investigate the information requested on the worksheets. Remember you have been asked to find visual examples for some of the topics. Ensure that you record all relevant reference information while you are conducting your research so you can reference your sources using APA.
Step 4: Record Your Research Findings for your topic
Record your research findings, thoroughly addressing the information requested. Ensure that you use formal English, full sentences, and proper grammar and punctuation.
Include a separate sheet, titled References, that cites all your research sources for both your written and visual information. Use APA style.
Step 5: Submit and Share Your Research Findings
Submit, to the dropbox, your research findings, including visual examples to your teacher. Your teacher will assess the quality of the information you submitted for each of the topics you requested. As well, the accuracy of your referencing will be assessed.
Please remember to submit your final product to the discussion board.
References for Video- Making
Safety in Fashion – this is how I’ve updated the assignment to make it up to date with the new curriculum
Safety in Constructing Fashion
Consider all the different ways in which fashion can be constructed: quilting, sewing, felting, knitting, crocheting just to name a few.
Each of these fashion construction types comes with its own sets of protocol when it comes to safety as well as pre-construction techniques. Pre-construction techniques involves how you set up your work space to ensure a safe space and to ensure efficiency in your time and to ensure a polished product.
Please brainstorm scenarios of potential safety hazards that may occur when constructing fashion here in the google doc.
Part of your task for the next assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of safety skills in the fashion lab, pre-construction skills in the fashion lab, as well as your ability to construct something (you are all learning, so I’m not looking for perfection !). See below for links to my youtube channel which illustrates safety techniques while using a sewing machine, as well as pre-construction techniques and a simple stitch. You will need to create a similar video demonstrating your learning for any type of fashion construction technique.
Getting set up on a sewing machine
Safety pre-sewing with sewing machine
Sewing Machine Safety post-sewing
Submitted By: Emily Ellwood