March 30 Resource Blast

I’m going to provide you with a resource for the grade 11 genders course [HSG3M] because I know that some of you are still asking for resources for the newer courses.  Please see the following web sites to give you material to help you teach the course:  (Has a variety of lessons which cover plenty of expections in the course regarding, power, society; CBC section on defining feminism.)  An article that could lead into discussion about violence against women and to come up with strategies to learn from and move forward from it.  This article provides a very different perspective and it can bring the boys into the discussion about feminism and how they are a part of the solution. 

Also please find attached a short lesson plan which covers course expectations in the sections titled ” social constructs in gender”; “power, relations in sex and gender”, and “representations of gender” [e.g., B1.1, B1.2, B3.1, C1.3].


Submitted by: Camille Naranjit, Central West Regional Director

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